Quick Customization

Employee Profile Pages

Using admin settings page, you can enable or disable:
  • Bio Header
  • Status Tab
  • Last Modified By line

The social links are optional. If you leave a connection blank, it will not display its corresponding icon.

If you’d like to disable individual attributes;

  1. Locate the attribute sequence counting from the top. The first attribute is Jobtitle – 1 and the last one is Address – 5
  2. Modify the code below, changing the only number inside the parentheses with the number in the fist step
  3. Copy and paste the code in your theme’s style.css file.

For example, if you do not want to display Mobile attribute which is the 4th from the top, use:

.srcontent div.segment-block:nth-child(4) {
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AJAX page navigation

Using the following shortcode, you can page display 5 employees per page. Since we are using AJAX page navigation, we are not loading the whole page to display the next set of employee; a handy feature for people with mobile devices.

[employee_grid filter="misc::posts_per_page::is::5;"]

Displaying A Single Employee

Employee Spotlight Pro WordPress plugins supports displaying single employees using any view available. Replace the post id with the post id of the employee you want to display. You can use this if you’d like to put a single employee into any content. For example, you can have some content and withing the content, put in the shortcode and say this is the contact person or author.

[employee_circle_grid filter="misc::post_id::is::1;"]

Changing employee image border color and/or frame from Circle to Square

Employee Spotlight Pro WordPress plugin creates a border around employee images. Here is how to change the color and changing to the frame to square from circle.

Modify and put in the CSS below your theme’s Style.css file

// The current CSS
div.emd-container .person-img, div.emd-container .emd-image {
border: 4px solid #4abaae;
border-radius: 50%;
// The CSS below changes the frame from circle to square for ALL employee images.
// Put in a color code or name for CHANGE-ME if you need to change the border color.
div.emd-container .person-img, div.emd-container .emd-image {
border: 4px solid CHANGE-ME;
border-radius: 0;
// The CSS below changes the frame from circle to square for Caurosel only.
// Put in a color code or name for CHANGE-ME if you need to change the border color.
div.emd-container #emp-carousel .person-img, div.emd-container .emd-image {
border: 4px solid CHANGE-ME;
border-radius: 0;
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Alphabetical list

How to show employees in the list grid format in alphabetical order by first name.

[employee_circle_grid filter="misc::order::is::ASC;misc::orderby::is::title;"]
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Display employee in random order

How to display in the circle grid view in random order. Refresh browser to see the change.

[employee_circle_grid filter="misc::orderby::is::rand;"]
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